Newcastle Trip (February 5th)

On this trip, we went to see two museums and Britain’s largest sculpture-
The Angel of the North.

First, we met up at the college, and then we stepped onto a bus that took us to the first museum, which was the Discovery Museum. We got to see the Turbinia, which was the first turbine-powered steamship. It was launched in 1897 and it was one of the fastest ships at the time. After the Discovery Museum, we went back to the bus and got to our second destination, which was the Baltic Museum. Too bad we didn’t get much time to look around at the museum, but what we got to see was pretty good.
Instead, we got some free time to go into Newcastle.


I then alone, went to a bookstore called “Waterstones”, and got me a book called
“The Little Prince”. I then came back to the Baltic, soaking wet from the rain, and sat down in the café and started reading.


An hour later, we started gathering again. And so we went back to the bus, on the way to our final destination of the day- The Angel of the North. I continiued reading my book in the bus. The rain made it hard to see anything through the windows. As we stopped 100 meters away from the Angel sculpture, nobody dared to go out in the heavy rain…except for me and my fellow student, Niklas. There was another boy who came out with us, but he didn’t go all the way to the sculpture. He took a picture or two from a distance. Niklas and I went all the way.
5 minutes later we came back in the bus, and just as I had gotten dry from Newcastle-
I once again, was soaking wet. It was totally worth it. The Angel of the North was fantastic!


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